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Asthma and Depression Anxiety


Asthma Depression AnxietyAsthma and Depression Anxiety are related conditions.  People who have asthma have double the rates of depression anxiety.

Having asthma and depression anxiety together, what scientists call comorbidity, is very common. Study. This article will explain how and why asthma and depression anxiety are connected, and how to use diet and lifestyle changes to reduce asthma and depression anxiety symptoms.

The reason why large numbers of people who have asthma also suffer from depression anxiety, is because both conditions, are symptoms of an underlying immuno-inflammatory condition.

Not only do asthma and depression anxiety frequently occur together, but a large number of other immuno-inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, allergies, diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, heart disease, obesity, and more, also frequently occur together with depression anxiety.

And the underlying immuno-inflammatory condition which leads to asthma, depression anxiety, and a host of other illnesses, occurs in the gut or intestines.

Inflammation of the gut causes damage to the gut lining, which allows undigested food particles and toxins to enter the bloodstream, where they are attacked by the immune system, resulting in the release of cytokines, which then travel to different parts of the body and brain causing localized inflammation.

Different undigested proteins or toxins, attacked by the immune system, result in the release of different cytokines which affect different parts of the body and brain.

Learn More: Immune System and Depression Anxiety

New Study: Individuals who frequently use inhalers to treat their asthma are 3.5 more times likely to have depression anxiety.  Study.  The reason is that steroid inhalers reduce the production of serotonin. 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gut. 70% of your immune system is located in your gut.

Inflammation and damage to your gut caused by either chronic stress (article), poor diet and lifestyle, or a combination of both, can lead to asthma, depression anxiety, and other immuno-inflammatory conditions.

Learn More: Gut Brain Connection Depression Anxiety

The way to tackle asthma and depression anxiety is to combine stress management with diet and lifestyle changes.  The goal is to heal the gut and literally close the door on the immuno-inflammatory cytokine release cycle.

Our Modern Western Diet is filled with highly inflammatory foods, additives, oils, and preservatives.  Eliminating gluten, lactose, sugar, vegetable oils, packaged and processed foods, and switching to a healthier anti-inflammatory diet such as the Mediterranean Diet or the Depression Anxiety Diet, can significantly reduce gut inflammation.

Learn More:
How Gluten Causes Depression Anxiety
How Sugar Causes Depression Anxiety
How GMO Food Causes Depression Anxiety

Regular daily exercise has been shown to reduce stress and be more effective than anti-depressants. Study. A very recent study has shown how Mindfulness meditation, a cognitive behavioral technique, also reduces stress and works better than medication.

Summary:  Asthma and depression anxiety are related conditions, both of which are caused by an underlying immuno-inflammatory condition located in the gut, which in turn is caused by chronic stress and/or poor diet and lifestyle.  Eliminating unhealthy inflammatory foods, and replacing them with healthy anti-inflammatory foods, as well as stress management and exercise, have been shown to help asthma and depression anxiety.

Editor’s Note: I re-developed and suffered from extreme asthma, requiring daily use of inhalers, and depression anxiety.  When I gave up gluten and lactose my asthma quickly and completely disappeared.  Triggers such as pollution and allergies no longer affect me.

Learn more about our natural depression anxiety alternative and how to use diet, exercise, and the best supplements for depression anxiety recovery.

Learn More:
Depression Anxiety Recipes
Depression Anxiety Exercises
Depression Anxiety Supplements

The post Asthma and Depression Anxiety appeared first on Depression Anxiety Diet.

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